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Investor Connection

What is Resources?

Resources is a group of financial advisors sharing resources to the benefit of investors.

Our partner firms are independently managed and connected through shared ideas, tools and talent so that we can all collaborate, innovate and grow.

What is the connection to my advisor?

Resources is the registered investment advisor (RIA).

Financial advisors offering investment advisory services must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities authorities through a registered investment advisor (RIA).

What are the benefits of working with an RIA?

Working in your best interest
We ensure that each investment recommendation meets the fiduciary standard of care.

Fee-based compensation 
This straightforward system is easy to understand and is fully disclosed to you in writing.

Required to maintain public business records
Resources must file a Form ADV with the Securities and Exchange Commission that describe exactly how we do business and how your advisor is compensated. Here is a link to ours  Document library

Able to operate as an independent business
Your advisor has a vested interest in building long-term relationships with satisfied clients.

Able to work with a third-party custodian 
You will receive regular statements detailing every transaction in your account in addition to reports from your advisor.

We have Resources.

Let us know how we can work together to reach your goals.